Foliar nutrition: Plants absorb most nutrients through the root system, designed in evolution as the main route for entry of nutrients. However, during critical development stages, nutrient deficiency, reduced absorption or transportability and stress conditions, foliar nutrition can help in overcoming these problems, which result in better and higher yields.

Advantages of foliar nutrition are as follows:
• Easy supply of micronutrients and treatment of deficiencies (Zn, Mn, Fe, B, Cu, Mo) which are not often available to the root system or are badly transported (high pH value of soil, high OM, sandy soils).
• Triggering certain enzyme processes (B- pollination, Zn- phytohormones).
• Nutrition in periods of stress, when the plant’s root absorb them with difficulty (cold weather, impossibility of assimilating P).
• Faster overcoming of stress (amino acids). More intensive growth (phytohormones, organic acids, saccharides).
• Foliar treatment is often carried out together with pesticides, which minimizes application costs.

There are several factors that can affect efficiency and maximum positive result. Generally, foliar treatments are best done during early morning or late evening, at temperatures lower than 30ºC.